
Sorry, no koolaid...
Updated: 10/30/2002; 7:59:44 PM.

 |::| Friday, September 13, 2002

 |::|   1:48:19 PM 

If I were in charge of Powell's security detail, I'd be worried about the Right, and especially the anti-internationalist elements. They must really hate Powell, and the kind of language he's using to support the invasion of Iraq (all of it revolves around UN legitimacy) must really piss them off.

Powell might just be safer outside of the US than in it.

I feel much safer living in an America where Colin Powell is safe, so if anybody at State reads this: Please keep him on the move...

 |::|   1:39:09 PM 

I've been paying attention to Colin Powell's exhortations on behalf of the Oligarchy's plan to attack Iraq, and I'm increasing amazed that he hasn't been fired yet.

In Powell's speeches on behalf of the Party Line, I've noticed something that I think is very conspicuous by its absense: An assertion that Hussein is actually planning to use the weapons. All of his arguments that I've heard so far hinge on the question of lawfulness: Hussein has defied the UN; Hussein has defied the will of the international community; Hussein is an unlawful leader; and so on. Never does he actually talk about the risk of these weapons.

Others in the administration haven't been the least bit shy about that claim. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush '43, Wolfowitz, Condie Rice, all of them: They're toeing the party line, claiming in common language that not only will Hussein definitely use those weapons (which I more or less agree with, actually), but that he's definitely going to use them against us. Powell, as usual, seems to be alone, this time in not making that second claim.

So I sit here and wonder why they haven't fired him, and it hits me: Powell is probably the only person in the administration with a true, cross-partisan appeal. He's not part of the chickenhawk clique [NYT, reg. req'd], but he does have at least some cred with the real hawks. And he may in fact be the only person in the administration that everybody overseas respects. Strong men like him because they think a former General can understand their position. Other leaders like him because they know he's committed to teamwork. (In some cases they even worked with him on Desert Shield/Storm.)

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