
Sorry, no koolaid...
Updated: 10/30/2002; 7:56:56 PM.

 |::| Monday, April 22, 2002

 |::Quote of the Moment  12:59:36 PM 
The Bush clan are paternalistic, noblesse oblige, right-wing aristocrats with an intelligence background. They think they know more about global realpolitik than the American public can face. That's why they treat us like idiots. They expect us to panic. They are trying to spare us that.
-- Bruce Sterling , at the Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference

MeFi topic on Bruce Sterling @ CFP:
Conference URL:
Bruce Sterling's speech @ CFP:

 |::So should they stay or should they go?  9:05:45 AM 

From MeFi:

Now lets see:

Going = Trouble
Staying = Double

if we assume that:
Trouble = Double / 2

Staying = 2 x Trouble

It is obvious that they should go, as this will lead to exactly half as much trouble as staying.
-- spoon

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